
Our Mission

Educate and inspire a community of strong women to live a balanced lifestyle and incorporate a consistent fitness routine into a life they LOVE.


After spending her high school and college years actively playing volleyball, Laurie knew she wanted to make fitness her career once she graduated so that I could help woman achieve a life balance between health, fitness and every day life.

Laurie became a certified NASM Personal trainer along with a certified Group Fitness teacher, Les Mills Instructor, woman’s fitness specialist, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Certified Nutrition Coach, and a woman’s strength and conditioning coach.

10 years later, Laurie has been fortunate enough to work with 100s of woman all over the United States and cultivate a community of inspired, strong women who are not tied down to cardio, HIIT and the mindset that sweat determines your workout.

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“SHOW UP FOR YOURSELF, not only will it change you physically but it will change your mental health and attitude for the better”
-Laurie Corey

Laurie spent years training in gyms and studios where they pushed for woman to focus more on cardio and light weights than learning how to progress into heavier weight training which frustrated her and left her feeling like she wasn’t training woman to their full potential.

In 2020 she broke away from the gym scene and began Laurie Corey Fitness. She built a community of amazing woman who she taught how to properly and effectively lift weights, focus on progressive overload and not be scared of the stigmatism around weight training which is what led her to found Lifting Ladies in 2022.

Challenge Yourself To Change Yourself

Laurie created Lifting Ladies after noticing that many workouts targeted to woman did not teach them how to properly lift weights and become comfortable with using heavier dumbbells to progress but instead many progress focused on HIIT and cardio movements that caused frustration and burnout for many women.

Lifting Ladies was also created for those who want to learn lifting and push the weights without spending countless hours at the gym and the frustration of not knowing how to program workouts to meet their goals. Laurie knew from the past 10 years of in-person training that 30 minutes was the sweet spot of getting an amazing lift in while seeing RESULTS and continuous PROGRESS.

Lifting Ladies not only teaches proper form, effective technique but to also not be intimidated by progress overload and pick up those HEAVY weights! Laurie cues while showing proper form throughout the entire workout and uses motivation to challenge ladies every workout to be PROUD of themselves both mentally and physically while pushing themselves to be better every time they show up.

Laurie is pregnant with her and her husband Josh’s first child (a little girl due in March!) and has spent her pregnancy continuing to stay healthy and active with Lifting Ladies workouts and showing up for all her ladies daily to encourage them to push past any obstacles by staying CONSISTENT and SHOWING UP.

“Don’t count on others for motivation. Motivation comes and goes,
-Laurie Corey

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